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Re: BIND 8.1??

On Wed, 14 May 1997, Rick Jones wrote:

> I undestand that there is a BIND 8.1 now.  Why are we at 4.9.5 and there's
> an 8.1 out?
> Does naybody know?

According to Vixie, et al., the releases between 4.9.5-P1 and 8.1-REL
weren't public releases.  8.1 intergrates lots of nifty features, like
DHCP support (i.e. dynamic updating), and gets rid of that mess,
/etc/named.boot, and replaces it with a much more structured

8.1's only a few days old.  Relax.

Jason Costomiris                 | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
jcostom@sjis.com                 | "There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not	 | and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
enough to let me speak for them. |			--Unknown


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