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Re: failed installation of 1.2 on thinkpad. Tips?

First, thanks to all who have taken the time to reply.
I really appreciate all the help.

  cph@martigny.ai.mit.edu (Chris Hanson) writes:
  |    From: Jim Meyering <meyering@eng.ascend.com>
  |    Subject: failed installation of 1.2 on thinkpad.  Tips?
  |    I am trying to install Debian/GNU/Linux 1.2 from floppy disks on
  |    a Thinkpad w/pentium.
  |    I have made the 6 disks as described in
  |       ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/stable/disks-i386/current/install.html
  |    I inserted rescue diskette and power cycled.
  |    I read through the on-line instructions and typed
  |      linux floppy=thinkpad
  |    and hit Enter.
  |    Then I got the loading root.bin..., then loading linux......
  |    messages, but nothing more.  It just hung -- I waited at
  |    least 15 minutes before giving up.
  |    Have I missed something obvious?
  | I used these disks to install on a ThinkPad 760C about a month ago.
  | They worked fine.
  | The most likely answer to your problem is that you should not use
  | "floppy=thinkpad"; I didn't use it on the 760C.  Modern ThinkPads do
  | not need that switch, only older ones, such as the trusty 755C I'm
  | using right now.

I tried with the pre-1.3 rescue disk, with all combinations
of the options floppy=thinkpad and floppy=... to no avail.
I still haven't gotten past the `loading linux....' part.
Here's more info that I should have mentioned before:

  I'm using a thinkpad 760EL
  there's an internal CD-ROM drive
  the floppy drive is external

I have not tried the floppyless installation because <blush> I don't
even know how to boot DOS on this system, and haven't found any
instructions for the floppyless install.  Pointers welcome.

Thanks again,

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