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Re: New to Debian

"W.D.McKinney" <deem@deesign.com> writes:

> There's more but I am wondering what is the biggest draw
> to Debian vs. Slasckware, Red Hat, etc., ?

The biggest advantage to Debian that I've heard of [1] is the way that
Debian handles config files.  Debian knows which files in a package
are config files, and if you modify them, those changes are preserved
across upgrades.

When you install a new package, Debian checks to see if the new
version of the config file is different from the one in the previous
version of the package you had installed.  If it is, then Debian
checks to see if you have modified the config file, if not, Debian
just upgrades it.  Otherwise Debian asks you what you want to do about
the modifications, and allows you do merge the files by hand if you
choose.  The impression I have of the RedHat process is that it will
just blindly clobber your config files on upgrade.

  [1] Note that all I know about RedHat is hearsay.  I have never used
it, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


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