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This is another in a long list of problems I'm having getting a bunch of
debian machines and SGI's to work together in a cluster. The trouble is
that some of the debian machines will periodically refuse to connect to
each other (I'll get a connection refused message if I try to telnet).
Looking in the /var/adm/daemon.log file, I see a lot of the following:

[machine2] tcplogd:  telnet connection attempt from [machine1]

[machine2] in.telnetd[number]: warning: can't get client address: 
Connection reset by peer.

[machine2] in.telnetd[same number]: connect from unknown

All the linux machines have the same versions of nis,netstd,and netbase
running (2.20-1, 2.13-1, and 2.13-1 respectively) and, during these telnet
"blackouts", none of the SGI's ever have a problem telneting in to either
machine. As I mentioned, the problem will go away for a few minutes, then
come back...etc. Should I downgrade the net packages to rex-fixed?

J. Goldman

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