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Linuxthreads and MySQL

And since we are on the subject of MySQL...

I'm trying to install directly from the source distribution at www.tcx.se.
This version want Linuxthreads and I'm not quite clear on what I need to

>From MySQL configure:

checking LinuxThreads... Not found
configure: error: This is a linux system and Linuxthreads was not
found. On linux Linuxthreads should be used. So install Linuxthreads
and try again.
Exit 1


LINUX notes:

LinuxThreads should be installed before configuring MySQL.
If you get an any error related to mysql_source/mit_threads/...
then configure didn't detect that you have LinuxThreads installed.

You should install libc 5.4.12 or newer before compiling MySQL.
glibc 2.0.2 should also work.


the libc we have:

danenet:/usr/local/src/mysql-3.20.18-gamma> whereis libc
libc: /lib/libc.so.5 /lib/libc.so.4.6.27 /lib/libc.so.4 /lib/libc.so.5.4.20
ib/libc.so /usr/lib/libc.a

This Linux 2.0.27 and Debian 1.2.  
Dirk Herr-Hoyman <hoymand@danenet.wicip.org>
DANEnet, Connecting Dane County's Communities

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