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Printer Resolution Problem.

I have a printing problem using Netscape under Linux. When I print a
page, either from Netscape Mail or from the browser, my printer burps
with a "Page Overflow" error. I believe this is caused by several
things. First my printer is a Star LS-5 which is running as a clone of
an LJ 2P. Problem with this is a LJ 2P came with 1Meg of RAM and mine
only has 512K. Secondly, Netscape, either Mail or Browser, prints thru
Ghostscript. (I checked this with Top while it was printing)
Thus a page printed at the default 300dpi resolution can overrun the
memory. I can work around this in Winders95 by reducing the print
resolution to 150 dpi, but I don't see any way to do this in Linux. Is
there a config file for either Netscape or Ghostscript(-Aladdin) that
will allow this? I read the online help for Netscape and the man for GS
but must have missed it if it was there.

Thanks in advance....
Debian Linux! Where I REALLY went today!
Jim Smith   jim@oz.net

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