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Re: Netscape locked up console.

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Brown <CBROWN@seitz.com> writes:

    Chris>      Last night I was running Netscape 3.01 Gold, looking
    Chris> at files on my local drive and the machine stopped
    Chris> responding to the keyboard and mouse buttons.

 Do you have your window manager configured to auto-raise on focus?
I've had netscape raise itself over the top of menus that had the
server grabbed before.  It totally locks you out then.

 It was when I had a LogiTech mouse that had a middle button wired to
do a double-click instead of a real middle button.  I had emulate
three buttons set...  I couldn't drag with the middle button, like in
TkDesk, because it would stutter.  Without stay-up menus, it was very
hard to use.  I had to make a wishlet that let me toggle the far and
middle buttons (buttonswapper).

 Several times, I'd use the middle button to raise a menu in netscape, 
and have the wm raise netscape above the menu, causing a lockup.

Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@inetarena.com>
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133

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