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Re: kahnd

Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Wed, May 07, 1997 at 08:49:14AM -0400, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
> > IP address) and UDP broadcast packets are *not* routed which
> > means if is trying to find by name, it won't find
> > it. The solution to this is to set up a WINS server--sorta like
> > a DNS server. You can do this in Linux, you just need SAMBA (which
> > it seems like you already have. The program is nmbd and you need
> > to create a file which maps host names to IP addresses (and which
> > looks like an /etc/hosts file) and 'nmbd -H your-lm-hosts-file'
> > will then run the server. Then on your Win95 client go into TCP/IP
> > settings and set as a WINS server. If you've got '-proxyarp'
> > being passed to pppd on your Linux box, you should be there.
> Hmmm. Interesting explanation, thanks. Does this explain one odd
> thing I see? I have a machine at home running Samba, as well as my
> own workstation (Win95/Linux). I have another machine running Samba,
> located at my ISP. I can access the machine at the ISP fine from Windows;
> I never had to set up an LMHOSTS for Win95 or anything. (All machines
> are in the same domain).
> But a friend has his own PC (Win95/NT), and wants to talk to this machine
> at the ISP too, and it doesn't work, even with LMHOSTS it seems.

I really struggle with these problems. I've been learning this 
Winbloze networking stuff over the past few months (and I can't say
it's been fun). If your friend is running NT, he might need to go
to the networking properties, pick the 'WINS Address' tab (I'm 
assuming NT 4.0 here) and click the 'Enable DNS for Windows Resolution'
but then again, I've run into some weird problems that don't seem
to have a logical explanation where some Win95 boxes can't get to
SAMBA servers over a dialup link and some can. This stuff seems to
be a black art at best since as is typical with MS there is no
documentation which goes deep enough to really tell you what's going

Jens B. Jorgensen

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