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Re: kahnd

Mike Patterson wrote:
> Hi there--
>         My latest excursion has been into the realm of Kahn, a variation on
> Kali. Of course, I'm having some problems, and the answer doesn't seem to
> be obvious to other Kahn users, so I'm guessing that it's a problem with
> my network.
> The setup is this:
> is a linux machien running kahnd
> is a win95 dialing into
> is a win95 machine on the same lan as
> Connect through mgetty/pppd just fine. and can both read
> the samba drives on
> Now, both .2 and .3 can connect to the kahnd on, and can talk to
> each other, but .2 doesn't show on .3's list.

Which "list" is that? If you mean "When I open 'Network Neighborhood'
on I can't see" then you've discovered one of the 
gross inadequacies of NetBIOS (and NetBT). You see, when LanManager
was conceived (yes, this is what we now call "Microsoft Networking")
they wanted it to be *easy* to use, not like that confusing TCP/IP
stuff. So, rather than have a distributed, managed name space a la
DNS they decided that they would use a flat name space and let
chaos rule. Machines sharing a network literally "fight it out"
to decide who's going to be the "Browse Master"--the computer 
responsible for knowing who all is on the network. At any rate, in
NetBT (read as "using Microsoft Networking over TCP/IP") UDP
broadcast is used to look up machines (to map machine name to 
IP address) and UDP broadcast packets are *not* routed which 
means if is trying to find by name, it won't find
it. The solution to this is to set up a WINS server--sorta like 
a DNS server. You can do this in Linux, you just need SAMBA (which
it seems like you already have. The program is nmbd and you need
to create a file which maps host names to IP addresses (and which
looks like an /etc/hosts file) and 'nmbd -H your-lm-hosts-file'
will then run the server. Then on your Win95 client go into TCP/IP
settings and set as a WINS server. If you've got '-proxyarp'
being passed to pppd on your Linux box, you should be there.

> In addition, when trying to play a game (any game!), I can see the network
> game, but when I attempt to join it, the attempt fails. I assume this means
> that either global or direct packets aren't making it.
> Any ideas would be helpful, or at least where to look. Thanks.

I hope this helps. Your post was actually a little too vague to be
able to tell what problem you're having.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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