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inquiry about "exploder" mailing lists of Debian lists

As list manager, I often assist people in the process of unsubscribing
from Debian lists.  Occasionally, I end up with a person who is receiving
Debian mail from a mailing list that is _on_ a Debian mailing list.  Many
of these lists serve excellent purposes (they're based in a locality that
has slow external connectivity, etc), but can make it difficult for a
subscriber to realize that the normal method of unsubscribing doesn't

To assist with managing this dilemna, I'd like to ask anyone who currently
operates/manages/oversees any of those lists to contact me with the
following information:

Your name/email
What debian list(s) you "explode"
What address receives the mail from the first-tier Debian lists
Approximately how many subscribers are on your list(s)

I'm not going to ask you to stop what you're doing.  I'm merely hoping to
get a sense of how many there are, and attempt to keep track of who I can
contact to assist with problems.

Thanks for your help,


Peter J. Templin, Jr.                   Client Services Analyst
Computer & Communication Services       tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University			templin@bucknell.edu

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org . Trouble? 
e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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