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Re: mgetty "auto-telnet" ??

>Do you have any idea on how to setup mgetty to automatically telnet an
>incoming connection to another system.  (i.e. anyone connecting to ttyS31
>should be automatically telnetted to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd.)

I know that this can be done as we used to do it... but I can't remember
how we used to do it :( (it was nearly 3 years ago).  Come to think of it,
that long ago it wouldn't have been with mgetty either....

One thing you can do is to create the users on the debian box without a
password and have their shell set to do an rlogin to the machine you want
to connect them to.  So the debian box asks them for a username and then
the other machine asks them for a password.  It's transparent to the user,
the only hassle is having to maintain two sets of passwords... but that
should be do-able with rdist or some such without too much hassle.


----------------- Earthlight Communications Limited ----------------
P.O. Box 5301	                Adam Shand 	       (fax) +64 3 477 5463
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