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Re: Newbie Debian + X Questions

>>>>> "Marco" == Marco Verhoeven <marco@xs4all.nl> writes:

    Marco> Excuse my ignorance if I missed something obvious but hey,
    Marco> I'm new to all this! [g]

 Have you found the manuals yet?  Hmmm...  I guess once you get X
running, you'll have an easier time reading them. :-)  Install tkman
when you can, it's really awsome.  So is tkdesk! [1]

 You need to add a line like this:

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 tty5 -bpp 16
:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 tty5

 to "/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers" so that xdm will start the server for
you.  The arguments to X can be found with `man Xserver`.  The -bpp 16 
I have there is to start it with 16 bit color.

 After that, you should see that there is a symlink for your X
runlevel in "/etc/rc?.d/", like: "/etc/rc4.d/S99xdm --> ../init.d/xdm" 
so that it will start at boot.  You can start it without booting,
provided the tty you have it set to run on is free, by going:

# /etc/init.d/xdm start

 You set the tty stuff up in "/etc/inittab", restarting `init` with
`telinit q`.  RTFM if you don't have a clue yet, `man inittab`, `man
init`, `ls -l /etc/rc4.d`, `ls -l /etc/init.d`.

[1]  You can add this as the top entry in the Appbar's Documentation
entry, and then clicking on it will open tkman with the manual in the
X selection.  So you highlight a thing, and click the books, and up
comes `man thing` in tkman.

{{TkMan Remote of primary selection} {set sel [selection get];\
		 			catch {send -async tkman \
		    		  "wm deiconify .man; manShowMan $sel"}}}

Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@inetarena.com>
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133

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