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Having used adduser to add me as a user to my system, when I
try to login, I get the message:

ksh: Cannot determine current working directory

I do get a $ prompt, and when I cd /home/rjw; ls -l, I see my directory
and it's content (largely stuff placed there by me as root).  I've
logged in to X and run netscape to send this message (netscape saw that
/home/rjw/nsmail didn't exist, and asked if I'd like to create it; I
said yes, and it did).  I only tried to set myself up as a user when
mail I sent to this list as root had a problem, BTW.

Anyway, if anyone can help with what I need to do to solve this, I'd be
grateful - I've already tried various protection modes for /home and
/home/rjw, but perhaps I haven't hit the right combo.


Ralph	rjw@nac.net

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