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Re: Question: how to switch from an OLD Slackware system to GNU/Debian?

>The only good way of doing this is back up as much stuff as you think you
>absolutely need and a little bit more. Reformat the hard disks and
>reinstall debian from scratch.
>Slackware is not upgrade friendly, particularly the older version.

I should have given a bit more information. Since the user disk space
is mounted on other machines, the situation is not very bad. We
probably just need to save /etc/passwd, /etc/printcap, and our X11
configuration files.

root@palm /felix/terry/pkg : uname -a      
Linux palm 2.0.0 #1 Mon Sep 9 19:25:59 GMT 1996 i586
root@palm /felix/terry/pkg : cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hda2       swap        swap        defaults   1   1
/dev/hda1       /        ext2        defaults   1   1
none             /proc    proc        defaults   1   1
quake:/var/mail         /usr/mail               nfs     hard
quake:/export/freeway   /export/freeway         nfs     hard
quake:/export/dumbo     /export/dumbo           nfs     hard
seal:/felix             /felix                  nfs     hard
seal:/oscar             /oscar                  nfs     hard
/dev/cdrom      /cdrom  iso9660 ro

root@palm /felix/terry/pkg : 

terrence brannon * brannon@rana.usc.edu * http://rana.usc.edu:8376/~brannon

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