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utmp troubles

I just installed Debian 1.3 on a new machine that I am setting up, and I
found that the utmp entries don't seem to be acting correctly.

If I have a user logged in on several virtual terminals, each login shows
when I do a 'who', as I would expect.  When I log the user out of one
virtual terminal, however, it removes the utmp entry for that terminal and
another which that user is still logged into.

I just tested this via telnet logins, and the utmp updates seem to work
correctly, so this appears to only be a problem when virtual terminals are
being used at the console.

If you have suggestions as to what might be going on, or how to isolate
what exactly is misbehaving, please let me know.  As it is, this is
something I can live with, since I don't plan on allowing console
accessability, but I thought I would mention it, as it seems broken.

		-- Paul (phancock@lib.ci.phoenix.az.us)

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