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Debian Linux Package Finder


Our Debian Package Finder is now complete (basically).  It will search
frozen, unstable, contrib, non-free and non-us.  It will also allow you to
search based on Package Name, Provides, Description or Maintainer.  It will
also allow you choose from a list of mirrors which one you want to download

The entire thing is written in python so you will need that also.  It's new
(permenant) home is: http://larry.earthlight.co.nz/debian/finder.cgi

I have also had several requests for people wanting to mirror it on their
servers.  This is welcomed.  I'm writing up some documentation for it soon
and hopefully that will be enough to get everything going on a remote site.


ps.  Does anyone know what happened to mutt?  It doesn't show up anywhere
anymore (including my non-us mirror)??

----------------- Earthlight Communications Limited ----------------
P.O. Box 5301	                Adam Shand 	       (fax) +64 3 477 5463
Dunedin, New Zealand       Systems Manager    (voice) +64 3 479 0303
------------------ http://larry.earthlight.co.nz/ ------------------

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