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Re: ISDN Support

On Sat, 19 Apr 1997 13:03:21 -0700, Kevin Traas wrote:

>> We ended
>> up getting a Zyxel TA128U. It's an external and we're only using one
>> channel and it works just fine. Any external should work as long as
>> it supports "PPP Sync-to-Async" conversion. You just set up a dial
>> script and once you get "CONNECT" you return from the chat script
>> and off it goes. It works flawlessly for us here and I see up to
>> 6.5KB/sec transfer rates (one B channel, not two). 
>Thanks for the info.  One thing I'm interested in is configuring things so
>that I can establish a 1 or 2 B channel connection on demand.  My ISP
>supports Multilink PPP; therefore, I'd like to set things up so that if I
>know I'm going to be needing all the bandwidth I can get, I'll establish
>the connection using the two B channels.  (It would be great if the Linux
>box could be set to timeout after a period of bandwidth "saturation", drop
>the single B channel connection, and then reconnect using both B

This is handled by the TA. www.zyxel.com

>The other problem I've got is in using an external ISDN TA and both B
>channels is that I'm going to have to have a high-end serial port that
>supports 230,400bps or more if possible....  Right now, the Linux box I'm
>using to connect to my ISP is only using a 16450 UART.  I'll have to
>upgrade that, too.  I wonder if I can drive a 16550 beyond 115,200....

No but a 16650 can got to 460K.

I'm just not sure there is a linux driver for them....


Dave 'Kill a Cop' Cinege  (aka Psychopath #3)  ---  Super Genius at Large
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