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Re: ISDN Support


On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Kevin Traas wrote:
>Specifically, I currently have a USR Sportster 128K sitting here in the
>box.  I'd like to use it in my Debian Linux system.  (Running 1.2.8)
Is it an external box that you need to connect to a serial port.
In this case use it like a normal modem with AT commands.

If it's an ISA card it won't be supported. The problem is the D-channel
protocol. They are not very much standardized. Europe has a few national
ones and DSSS1 aka Euro ISDN, the USA have two one of which is NI-1.

There is work underway to integrate NI-1 in isdn4linux. This would make
many passive cards work with Linux in the USA too.

It's a bit different with active cards that manage the D-channel protocol
by themselves, but there are only two supported, ICN (also a European
brand, and I suppose they only talk the German national protocol and the
European one) and Spellcaster.

>From what I've found, only a few ISDN TA's seem to be supported under Linux
>and they're all European brands that I've never heard of before (in my
>limited existance... <grin>...) and that don't seem to be readily available
>here in Canada.
Canada probably has a National ISDN protocol of it's own....


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     \              /                        | Nils Rennebarth
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     /              \                        | 37083 Göttingen
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   Micro$oft's final answer                  | http://www.nus.de/~nils

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