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odd problem with lpr and lp ports

A debian system I installed a week ago has a strange problem.
It's Debian 1.2.0; lpr is installed. With the original IO card
in it, the printer (LaserJet 5P) was online with paper etc
but tunelp, the kernel and lpq all said the printer was out of
paper and busy all the time.

So we changed the IO card to a new one. tunelp says that the printer
is "222, on-line" ("tunelp /dev/lp1 -s"), but lpq still says it
can't print, offline or out of paper? The kernel doesn't give any
messages for this either; lpd just won't print anything.

Unfortunately the owner is rather unix-clueless, and I don't have
time to go out there soon, so if there's quick fix besides
installing lprng, I'd appreciate hearing it. (I'm not opposed
to installing lprng, but I don't want to have hassles
with printcap etc over the phone. And I'd like to know that
it'll help before suggesting it.)

If lprng is the answer, is there really a problem with the different
lpq format and samba, and is there a fix? All printing will be
from Win95/WinNT machines, via samba.

Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust                    moffatt@yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT.
http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~moffatt (PGP key here) CPOM: [****      ] 40%

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