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Backspace/Delete irritation

I'm having trouble getting a useful mapping of Backspace/Delete.
I've read the Key-Setup mini-HOWTO and the xmodmap documentation
and I'm still at a loss.

Under X I'd like to use Backspace normally, but I'd also like
to rlogin (from an rxvt terminal) and run emacs on a remote host.
With the xmodmap mappings:
	keycode 22 = Backspace
	keycode 107 = Delete          
the X apps work fine, but through rlogin the Backspace produces ^H in emacs
which invokes the help system.  I tried mapping keycode 22 to Delete
which was a mistake.

I'm sure this is a common thing to want to do.  Can someone advise me
on the settings to use?  Is rxvt the client causing the problem?


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