Re: running script files.
>>>>> "John" == John T Larkin <> writes:
John> On Feb 7, A. M. Varon wrote
>> It seems that shell scripts i have made in my debian
>> distrib. doesn't run. you need to put ./ in front in order for
>> it to execute.
John> Bash will only execute programs which are specified in your
John> path (to see what your path is, type "echo $PATH"). If "."
John> is not in your path, then it won't execute programs in the
John> current directory. If you want to be able to execute things
John> in the current directory without specifying the "./" before
John> it, then try this (in bash): export PATH=$PATH:. This will
John> add "." to the end of your path. To do this every time you
John> log in (without retyping it every time), put that line in
John> ~/.bashrc. This is a script that is run every time a shell
John> is started by you, and in particular, it is run when you log
John> in. -- - John Larkin - -
Bash will, by default, execute /etc/profile then ~/.bash_profile if it
is a login shell, but it won't execute .bashrc. That is executed on a
non-login invocation. As .bashrc has lots of stuff which one generally
wants on logins as well, usually these lines appear in .bash_profile:
# Now read from .bashrc, if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ];
then source ~/.bashrc;
That will ensure that all aliases, etc. are set up correctly. The info
node Bash Startup Files contains more information.
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