Re: kerneld activity
I am sorry I did not mention in my previous email that Ioannis Tambouras
send me a suggestion about my problem. He suggested using the kdstat
program to see if I could find anything useful Unfortunately, I could not
get far with his suggestion. The kdstat program whn run produces the
following output
Version 2.0.0, pid=360, delay=60, nokeep, nodebug
no jobs waiting
If I try kdstat debug
this comes up
Version 2.0.0, pid=360, delay=60, nokeep, debug
no jobs waiting
There is no manpage or info page ( not in my system anyway ) about this
program. So I didn't know what to do with it. Since my previous email I
realised that the same phenomenon happens in another computer on which I
have installed Debian . This has a newer version of the kernel ( 2.0.27) .
So the old version of the kernel must not be the cause of the problem . As
this problem does not
affect in any way my work I do not worry about it much. However since I am
new to Debian I do not know whether this is bug of a feature of some kind
for kerneld
and so I do not think it would be right to file a bug report
( I don't think I asked anybody else to do this for me as Ioannis implied
). Anyway I am sorry to bother the list in any way.
Any help or suggestion about this or about the use of kernel-image as I
explained in my previous mail is more that
welcome and will be appreciated !!!
Thank you very much
PS Anyway since the e-mail that Ioannis sent to me was personal I think
that my slip in not acknowledging his help in my previous email could have
been dealt with in private without further burdening the already heavily
used list. Thanks again.
George Kapetanios
Churchill College
Cambridge, CB3 0DS
U.K. E-Mail:
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