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Netscape 4.0b2 out, any success?

Just wondering if any Debian users have tried the new Netscape
Communicator beta, released a couple of days ago.

There's a thread on comp.os.linux.development.apps discussing
problems with hangs & bus errors people have been having.
I can't get the newsreader function to work because the program
crashes, but have yet to play around with libraries in hopes of
a fix.  There's some disagreement about whether the fixes that
work for NS 3 work for the new beta.

David Sewell * dsew@packrat.aml.arizona.edu   | "If all things should become
Dep't of Geosciences, Univ. of Arizona        |  become smoke, then perception
 WWW: http://packrat.aml.arizona.edu/~dsew/   |  would be by the nostrils."
                                              |           --Heraclitus

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