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X window manager oddities

I was using fvwm2 as my window manager, but now X is dumping me into twm.

This happened after I cat'ed usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color onto my
~/.Xdefaults file, in an effort to get Xterm to work in colour (following
some advice in the list archives). My .Xdefaults file was nonexistent before
that. When I re-logged in with xdm, it dumped me into twm. I figured it
didn't like my new .Xdefaults, so I rm'ed it, but it still dumps me into

As far as I can tell, everything is the same as before I messed with my
.Xdefaults, but I keep getting twm instead of fvwm, so something isn't
right. Is there anything specific I should check? I noticed in my
.xsession-errors file, I have the line:

[: /etc/X11/window-managers: unknown operand

The time on the .xsession-errors file is very recent.

Any ideas???

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