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Suggestion: *Professional* CD distributions

Hi, ALL.

I'm reading the messages about CDs here, and would like
to make a sugestion: wouldn't be good if one of the CD
distributors would make a realy *very* stable distribution,
with the last revision of the previous "stable" version?

This seems to be good for companies, because the newly
main distribution, like 1.2, isn't really so stable to
make a company to use it. Anything like the "final very
*very* stable Debian Linux 1.1" (that I think is the
1.1.17, I don't know), in a *very* good CD media, with a
good CD box, the installation floppy disks in the two
formats (5.25'' and 3.5''), and some printed documentation,
mainly about installation and "dselect", with instructions
about reading all the online documentation and some tips
and tricks, like newsgroups, lists of discussion, and
lists about paid Debian support services (is there
something like this?), all of this in a professional box,
like those of well known software companies?

And, when the Debian Linux 1.3 will be "stabled", the
final Debian Linux 1.2.<something> version could be
"sold" in this way. This is good for companies too,
because I don't know any company wich like to do
upgrades in important softwares every week ;) Four
or less upgrades by year is a good thing for them.

Some comment?

Alexander Gieg

By: Alexander Gieg
E-mail: agieg@brworld.com.br
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3222
IRC: AlexG

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