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Re: PostScript without PS printers

martym@cs.utexas.edu wrote:
>  Hi,
>    I just recently saw someone post that he had a Canon BJC 4100, a color
>  printer in the $200-300 range, but on which he could print postscript
>  by using apsfilter and ghostview.
>    Could this person or someone else knowledgeable in this please tell me more
>  explicitly how this is done, or point me to some documentation that talks
>  about it?
>  Marty

The ghostscript package translates PostScript (which if you haven't
looked at it is really a full-fledged programming language with
built in support for drawing things) and supports a great variety
of output devices. Since ghostscript produces the bitmap which is
sent to the printer you can use postscript for just about any device,
limiting only by somebody taking the time to write the driver for
the printer. apsfilter helps you out by determining what you're trying
to print and then running the appropriate filter (read: conversion
program) to translate the file first into postscript and then feeding
it into ghostscript. I don't have URLs for docs. I'd look go to the
Linux page (www.linux.org) and then go to the searchable LSM
(Linux Software Map) and look up these two packages--there should be
pointers there to docs. The Printing HOWTO may be of some help but
it doesn't say too much about ghostscript.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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