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  With the recent upgrade to kernel 2.0.27 and diald 0.14-8 I'm
  getting the following messages in /var/log/daemon.log:

	Jan 11 15:56:34 gbr modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-4
	Jan 11 15:56:38 gbr modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5

  I learned how to shut them up by adding 

	alias net-pf-4 off
	alias net-pf-5 off

  to /etc/conf.modules, but this seems that it only cures the symptom
  rather than the cause.  Was this a reasonable thing to do, or do I
  have something incorrectly configured, or is there a bug?

Bill Wohler <wohler@newt.com>   ph: +1-415-854-1857  fax: +1-415-854-3195
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