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Better Categorization (was: improvements)

>         Mainly breaking it up a little more into categories would have let
> me build the system I want better.  Like, I could go into a Utilities menu
> and choose editors and then choose vi and pico, but not emacs.  Then go back
> and under networking go to mail and get pine, then back up and go to news
> and get tin, but not INN since I just want to read from another server, not
> host news.

I mention this briefly before Christmas, but thought I flesh it out a bit
and repeat it...

I think it would be a good idea to add a "Keywords:" line to the control
information for Debian packages.  This would be an extension to the
"Section:" field with the section being considered the primary keyword.

A user-interface utility would then allow the user to narrow/expand
the list of package presented.  For example:


	[ ] admin	[ ] base	[ ] comm	[ ] contrib
	[ ] devel	[ ] doc		[ ] editors	[ ] experimental
	[ ] games	[ ] graphic	[ ] smail	[ ] math
	[ ] misc	[ ] net		[ ] news	[ ] nonfree
	[ ] shells	[ ] sound	[ ] text	[ ] x11

		Keywords:	(*) And		( ) Or

	[ ] small	[ ] graphics	[ ] English	[ ] French
	[ ] sound	[ ] internet

(note: I am not suggesting those keywords -- they are examples only)

Maintainers would be able to select their own keywords, but there should
also be a fixed set which should always be given if applicable.

Of course, this is still an "expert" selection system.  The should also
be some sort of pre-formed package sets that beginners can install.
                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )
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