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Re: Two basic problems I couldn't find docs for

Daniel <daniel@compass-da.com> wrote:
> > From: Don Morton <donm@cameron.edu>
> ...[snip]
> That is true, but if an OS has to be installed three or four times, 
> something is seriously wrong.
> Daniel
Installing an operating system, that is based on several parts, all coming
from different sources is quite different from installing a small Operating
system-look-a-like, like DOS.

You're talking about an operating system, which has several different
alternatives to a single route.  And herein lies the secret of its power...

Before you can ever get the system to be anything that you feel comfortable
with, you will have get intimite with it.  You can read a lot of things in
a book, but any written word just touches the edges... you must plunge in
and get to know the system...

The MS-DOS based Windows system isn't that bad.  It provides the services that
are needed by general users, and GUI that will give a user a look-n-feel
guidence.  The problem is the many programs that float around for it, each
which follows it's own rules... installing it's own private little routines
into the Windows system, to *upgrade* it, and other bullshit like that.
Programs that look beyond the operating system, they are running and making
their *own* dependancies and *improvements*.... because the programmer just
*knew* better... that's what crashes windows all the time.

The idea in the Unix world, has allways been portability... as an example,
when you read GNU its Gnu is Not Unix... but I've always read it as
Global Network Unix/User.  A program made for Silicon Graphics INDY machines,
like Hylafax... is compiled and running like sunshine on my little Debian
box here, as an example.  My remote account, on another machine in another
country, I run whatever I wish... having the user interface here at home
through my Debian box, X Windows.  This is the ground where things get done
and developed...

Having said this, I would like to finish by saying that when I initially
installed Debian from the base disks I created... I had Zero problems.

Ørn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@halmstad.mail.telia.com
                                    fax; +46 035 217194

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