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A few questions.

I've switched from slackware to debian. I have a few questions
that I'd appreciate any help with.

1) What controls what machines have NFS access to linux machines?
   My reading of the manual is that it depends on /etc/exports. Is
   this correct? Does an empty exports file result in no machine 
   having access or all machines having access?

2) I am use to directly building slackware kernals. Will
   something like make config; make; make zImage; make zlilo;
          make modules; make modules_install break any dependancy info?
  I noticed make-kpkg; what options would be comparable to the makes

3) Kernald is unable to load iso9660 fs modules on my system. 
   But I can load it manually with 'insmod isofs'. I also found
   in syslog:  modprobe: No dependancy information for module
what could cause this (& what would fix it :)

Jon Shickel

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