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Re: motd

> Is there any way of modifying the message before the login prompt?

By the message before the login prompt, I assume you mean the contents of
/etc/issue and /etc/issue.net? Just edit the files..

The second can be done if you have shadow passwords installed, by editing

> or,
> failing this, is there any way of adding a message before the login:  
> prompt?

It can be done if you have shadow passwords installed, by editing

# Password prompt (%s will be replaced by user name).
# XXX - it doesn't work correctly yet, for now leave it commented out
# to use the default which is just "Password: ".
#LOGIN_STRING            "%s's Password: "

The reason it says it's broken is because if you use this setting, the
login prompt will look like:

Login: joey
"joey's Password: "

It needs to ignore the quotes or have som eother way to get the trailing
space after Password:, and evidently that hasn't been fixed yet. However,
I set it like this:

LOGIN_STRING            %s's Password:

And it works fine, I just don't get any space after Password:

               "true - do nothing, successfully" - - true (1)

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