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apropos: warning: can't read the fallback whatis text database.


when looking for manpages with apropos I always get an error message and
the wildcard search fails for X related (and some other) man pages. 

(I use Debian 1.1.4)

Look at this:

---- BEGIN pretty good example ----
rudi:~$ apropos -w XDraw*
apropos: warning: can't read the fallback whatis text database.
apropos: /usr/X11/man/whatis: No such file or directory
XDraw*: nothing appropriate.

rudi:~$ apropos XDrawPoint
XDrawPoint (3x)      - draw points and points structure
apropos: warning: can't read the fallback whatis text database.
apropos: /usr/X11/man/whatis: No such file or directory
----- END pretty good example -----

How do I create the fallback whatis database? Do I need it?

Heiko Selber (Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin)   | Vs lbh pna ernq guvf       |
http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/~selber         | lbh unir jnfgrq lbhe gvzr. |
email: selber@fhi-berlin.mpg.de              | (un un un)                 |
Phone:+49-30-8413-4574, Fax:+49-30-8413-4686 |____________________________|

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