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Re: Fix for your serial/PPP problems

Hi Philippe --

You wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Aug 1996 00:14:10 PDT Philippe Troin (phil) wrote:
> > On Wed, 21 Aug 1996 00:23:16 EDT renald loignon (rhl@CAM.ORG) wrote:
> > 
> > > Could someone knowledgeable in low-level kernel matters take a look at th
> > > following?  I looked at the Web page, and though it sounds interesting
> > > overall (and it WOULD solve a serial problem I experienced with Debian 1.
> > > and kernel 2.0.6), there appear to be some technical inaccuracies which g
> > > me second thoughts. Any comments appreciated.
> > [mail copy snipped]
> > 
> > I've browsed through the web page, and this just looks sensible to me.
> > The question is: why isn't this part of standard kernel ?
> I've been trying it for over 24 hours, and I must say I'm quite impressed.
> PPP  performance has really increased. It is streaming for long periods witho
> interruption. And no kernel Ooops or no problems.
> Seemingly no problems...
> Can anyone confirm these subjective enhancements ? I mean my PPP connection
> might just be better by other means...
> Phil.

I've had it going (on and off) for the last day also, and I also have
the sense (not quantified or rigorously tested) that it has finally
stopped all the billions of stalls I'd been getting.  I use a reasonably
fast "modem", i.e., a data-over-voice ISDN channel that talks through a
high-speed serial port at 56K.  It may be that my previous stall problems
were actually exaccerbated by using a higher-speed serial line (i.e.,
I must have been offering relatively more interrupts to the CPU than someone
with a slower modem).  

So I _really_ appreciate finding out about this utility.  THANKS!!!!!

Susan Kleinmann

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