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termcap and lynx problem

everytime i try and use lynx from home i get the following list of 
termcap errors and then after about one minute lynx starts up but has a 
very "dirty" screen (ie lots of left over asci charcters and such)

these errors *only* occur when accessing my server from home...(its a 
debian (of-course:) web-server)

any help appreciated:)

heres the errors i get...

"/etc/termcap", line 2006: terminal 'tek4125', Illegal character '!' = 
0x21 in \
"/etc/termcap", line 2006: terminal 'tek4125', Illegal character '!' = 
0x21 in \
"/etc/termcap", line 2014: terminal '4404', Illegal character '!' = 0x21 
in \ se
"/etc/termcap", line 2677: terminal 'h19-a', Illegal character - '\' = 0x5c
"/etc/termcap", line 2799: terminal 'adm20', Illegal character - '^' = 0x5e
"/etc/termcap", line 3471: terminal 'wy99', Illegal character - '&' = 0x26
"/etc/termcap", line 3471: terminal 'wy99', Illegal character - '\' = 0x5c
"/etc/termcap", line 3938: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '[' = 0x5b
"/etc/termcap", line 3938: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '?' = 0x3f
"/etc/termcap", line 3938: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '\' = 0x5c
"/etc/termcap", line 3939: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '[' = 0x5b
"/etc/termcap", line 3939: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '?' = 0x3f
"/etc/termcap", line 3939: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '\' = 0x5c
"/etc/termcap", line 3944: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '[' = 0x5b
"/etc/termcap", line 3944: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '?' = 0x3f
"/etc/termcap", line 3944: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '\' = 0x5c
"/etc/termcap", line 3945: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '[' = 0x5b
"/etc/termcap", line 3945: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '?' = 0x3f
"/etc/termcap", line 3945: terminal 'minicom', Illegal character - '\' = 0x5c

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