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Re: mirror up-to-dateness report

Alexander LIST wrote:
> Great idea! What would you think about a script that checks the
> connectivity to a given set of "closest" mirrors based on the "Timezone"
> or so and reports the "fastest"  mirror available?

Closest to what? The client end or the server end? To be effective,
that script should run in the client side, witch would require some 
kind of instalation and setup. The best way to do it, i think, it would
be a small Java applet running in the Debian Web Pages, using a 
server-based mirror list.

As to the Timezone usage, I believe it would be better to base it 
on traceroute output, not timezone (in my country, for example,
for almost an year, the ISP's were not connected to each other,
so packets travelling from one to another had to go through the
intercontinental links)

Anyway, if Bruce could add link speed info for each mirror site 
in the mirror list it would already be a nice thing and it would
give him much less work! :-)


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