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Re: Installing 1.2 on a headless machine

I wrote:
]    I'm confused as to the start-up sequence of the Rescue disk...
] ldlinux loads "root.bin" and "linux", then passes execution to "linux",
] with the specified boot-time parameters.  The kernel uncompresses itself
] and initializes the drivers etc.  It then uncompresses "root.bin" and
] mounts it as root, and executes "/linuxrc".  This scripts execs
] "/sbin/init".  What happens after this?

"Jens B. Jorgensen" <jjorgens@bdsinc.com> wrote:
] After this init reads /etc/inittab runs and starts processes depending
] on the run level.

   Normally this is the case, but the rootdisk image contained on the
Rescue disk has no /etc/inittab...  There's an /etc/init_tab which later
gets used for the /etc/inittab on the newly-installed system, but i dont
think it gets read when booting off the Rescue disk.

   Does anyone know how /Install/dinstall gets run?

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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