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Re: Install Debian 1.2 over Redhat 3.03 without losing data?


On Thu, 19 Dec 1996, Joseph L. Hartmann, Jr. wrote:

> I would like to be able to install Debian over my Rehdat 3.03 without 
> losing data files (all my faqs, msgs from the net, and so on)  
> Is this possible? Please point me in the right direction of what to read.


I did something like this when installing Debian over Slackware, but you
need enough disk space to do it:

Do as if you were going to install Debian from scratch. Debian
installation disk will recognize your old partitions, but you should not
fdisk them again. Just be sure to mount them *without* initiating them.
(i.e. select "mount an already initiated partition").

As soon as you can, switch to another virtual console and do this:

cd /target
mkdir old.linux
mv * old.linux
mv old.linux/lost+found .

You can now switch to the first virtual console and install the Debian
base system and everything else over this, and you will still have all the
previous system in /old.linux.

Now it is just a matter of remove everything you do not need from
/old.linux and put things in place again. For example, if you had a user
named "joeh" in your old system, create a new user named joeh in the new
Debian system, and move everything from /old.linux/home/joeh to the new
/home/joeh. Use cp -a if it is in a different partition.


Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1


Santiago Vila <sanvila@ctv.es>

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