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Re: xterm-color : green cursor??

> I recently installed xterm-color, but now ALL my xterm windows have a
> nasty green cursor in them... is there ANY way to tell xterm to use a
> specific cursor color, either for each window or globally?

You have 2 (or more?) options here.  First, you can make a system wide alias 
in /etc/environment which is something like:

alias xterm="xterm -cr <cursor_color>"

Of course, this assumes you're using Bash.  You'd need to modify it for csh or 
ksh or whatever else you have.

The other, nicer option would be to add the following to /etc/X11/Xresources:

XTerm*cursorColor: <whatever_color_you_want>

Hope this helps,
Lamar Folsom
"Life is wasted on the living."  - The Master

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