UMSDOS partition and debian
Hello all...
I have gathered that it is possible to run the debian installation
in a dos fat partition. I am hoping that this configuration would
resemble the slakware installation running over the dos fat partition.
I've not seen any documentation about how this has to be setup.
??? Does there exist a set of installation disks that will allow me to
build the op. sys. over my existing dos file system(s) ??? I have
several students / colleagues here that would like to try the os but
cant / won't commit themselves to repartitioning disks so close to the
end of the semester. (I'm not going to ask them to bring their boxes
in so that I can fibs their disks for them - and run the risk ...)
I would specifically like to have a "drv_letter:\linux\..." on a
MS-DOg filesystem and would like to use the dos executable loadlin.exe
to light the debian install at my convenience.
I like the slakware install because they have made this install
completely painless. However I prefer to run with the debian
installation because:
1) slakware did not support my scsi controller that is
integrated into my Hewlett Packard "Vectra XV 5/133C". I _think_ its
an AMD scsi controller. I'd have to reboot to be sure...
2) IMHO - while the dselect package needs a facelift - it
is functional. I prefer the debian OS - I just think the Debian linux
variant is a better system than the others.
Please help,
keep up the great work,
and Thanks in advance...
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