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Re: Beautiful Backups

> Two questions:
> 1.  What backup hardware should I buy? (I don't want to spend too
>     much)

You should be able to get an Iomega 700-insider for less than $150. Holds
350MB uncompressed, uses QIC3010 tapes (about $15/each). I don't know
if they have a floppy-controlled version of their Ditto 1600. Holds 800MB
and you can probably get it for $150 or so. It uses Travan TR-1 cartridges
and I believe it can also sprechen ze QIC2010 and QIC3010 cartridges.

> 2.  What backup software should I use?

Why... Linux, of course! :)

Actually, taper works great for me. It lets me have multiple volumes on one
tape. I'd like to see it support things like differential backups, though.

- Joe

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