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dpkg-ftp/dselect timestamping

dpkg-ftp, dselect --

Is there a way to get these programs to timestamp 
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/debian/frozen/binary-i386/admin/* (and others)
to what they are on ftp://debian.crosslink.net?

(I'm doing 1.2 this weekend; so far, it's been not only flawless, but 
improved advice given during the installs -- thanks all).

When I use this method to upgrade, I usually backdoor the ftp'd
files off the /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/ tree, into my permanent
ftp archives, and thus slowly achieve a mirror of sorts.

I'd like to see dselect offer the root account a way to

  -specify where the "temporary" archives (*.deb) are stored,
   when using the ftp method of upgrading

  -specify whether to use current time as the timestamp, or
   mirror the archive's idea of the timestamp

Is this something I can specify outside dselect/dpkg-ftp?  As
an environment that tells the underlying ftp mechanism to dupe
the timestamps from the source server?

Does dselect, when using the ftp method, ftp as root?

Is that safe? 

I was told (superstitious meme) never to do anything over a network, 
and especially the Internet, as root; and only login to my own 
machine as root, from the keyboard, when I'm sure I need the full
powers of root AND I don't want something screwed up because I
used 'su root' instead of login as root.

Thank you.

Christopher W. Hafey
tingri@ntplx.net               | 1078 New Britain Ave Apt 217
WA1TNR since 1974              | W Hartford Ct USA 06110-2434
http://www.ntplx.net/~tingri   | tel. 860-236-5400
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