Re: Mounting CDROM during installation
M. Arifi Koseoglu writes:
> Everything goes fine till the "dselect" phase. I boot, install
> the base system, select loadable modules (and this is important: I *DO*
> select cdrom support *AND* isofs support, and *DOUBLE-CHECK* after-
> wards that they are marked with a +), install the kernel, reboot,
> do the password stuff, and fall into dselect. Everything looks fine.
> When I go ahead and select the access method to be the cd-rom, it
> cannot mount the cdrom saying:
> iso9660 is not supported by this kernel
Run depmod -a and reboot. Debian fails to do this during the install, so
none of the modules you selected ever actually got installed. Took me
quite a while to figure this out: my messages to this list about it
vanished without a trace.
> Also, where can I find a "good" document on dselect and dpkg ?
As far as I can tell, there is no such thing.
John Hasler (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI
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