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Re: IOmega Jaz drive

> I'm considering getting a Jaz drive and I'd like to install Debian on it. 
> I want just a little bit more that "get a feeling"... I know what Debian
> can do and I like it! So, exactly what do you mean by "not too fast". I've
> never seen a Jaz drive working, they are a rarity down here, but from what
> I've read they are pretty close to "normal HD performance" (this comes
> from PC Magazine, PC Week and others)... any comments?

My Jaz drive outpaces my Micropolis 1.7GB Fast SCSI-2 drive.  It's not
as fast as most hard drives being sold today, but it's faster than most
of the ones that were being sold a few years ago.  Each Jaz disk has two
platters and the drive has four heads.  It's not very different from a
hard drive.

You need to make sure the BIOS on your SCSI card will support removable
devices.  If it does, go for it.  I installed NT 4.0 on a Jaz disk just to
test it out, and it worked fine.

Good luck,

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