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Re: Reading news with Emacs

Here's an example of part of my setup.  Yours should be similar:

(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "newshost.cc.utexas.edu"))
(setq gnus-asynchronous t)
(setq gnus-subscribe-newsgroup-method 'gnus-subscribe-zombies)
(setq gnus-check-new-newsgroups 'ask-server)
(setq gnus-save-newsrc-file nil)

;; So the server will accept me
(setq gnus-local-domain "cs.utexas.edu")

;; So the from field will be reasonable.
(setq gnus-user-from-line "Rob Browning <osiris@cs.utexas.edu>")
(setq user-mail-address "osiris@cs.utexas.edu")
(setq gnus-local-organization "The University of Texas at Austin")

You might have to delete your existing ~/.newsrc.eld file if things
still don't work.  Sometime in the past I had Gnus get confused when
it had saved bad info to the file as a result of a misconfiguration on
my part.

Hope this helps.  I have long mini-HOWTO about using Gnus, in all it's
glory, for mail and news.  I'm going to try to set up a web page soon,
and put the file there.


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