Re: smail does virtual domains?
On Tue, 8 Oct 1996, Daniel Stringfield wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Oct 1996, Nelson Posse Lago wrote:
> > of the security leaks that appear every day; hopefully qmail/smail are
> > better or, at least, less popular among hackers.
> From what I know of mailers in general, qmail or smail is still
> susceptable to hacking. I don't know much in the way of sendmail hacking,
> vs other mailer hacking, so someone correct me if I am wrong.
I don't know much about this either, but according to qmail's web page
(, qmail was developed to fix the security holes in sendmail
and other MTAs, so it may be worth looking into.
> I think that its more of sendmail getting a bad aura due to its popularity
> in MOST platforms out there...
I think that was Nelson's point. A program that is less popular may be
more secure just because people are much less likely to have had any
previous experience hacking it.
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