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Re: How to create a "Packages" file?

This is a simple script that creates the Packages files: Suppose you want
to create the file for distrib buzz and binary-i386:

touch /tmp/noverride
cd buzz
dpkg-scanpackages binary-i386 /tmp/noverride buzz/ > Packages.n
mv Packages.n binary-i386/Packages
gzip -f -q binary-i386/Packages
cd ..

I have a script that goes over the whole Debian hierarchie on my private
FTP server whenever I make a change.

Note that the `touch /tmp/noverride' creates an empty file (if it doesn't
already exist) which seams to be necessary, but I don't know why.

I also discovered another problem: When there a several versions of a
package in the same directory, dpkg processes them in the order they
appear in the directory (not sorted, as you see them with the default ls
options). So if the newer versions comes first, the older version will be
included in the Packages file.

And it looks like dselect has the same problem with installed from a
CDROM or local dir. These `access methods' seem to process not the list of
selected packages (as ftp access method does) but process each file they
find in the directory. When there are several versions of a file that's
selected, dselect upgrades/downgrades the package as they appear! That's
why I always use FTP, even if the FTP server is the local host!

Does someone have any hints?



--          _,,     Christian Schwarz
           / o \__   schwarz@monet.m.isar.de, schwarz@debian.org,
           !   ___;   schwarz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de, bm955877@muenchen.org
           \  /        
  \\\______/  !        PGP-fp: 8F 61 EB 6D CF 23 CA D7  34 05 14 5C C8 DC 22 BA
   \          /         http://www.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/~schwarz/

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