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Re: Creating deb packages

> bcwhite>You don't want to trace it.  If you read the "debian.rules" (or debian/rules)
> bcwhite>file, you'll see how a package is built.  Basically, you create a directory
> bcwhite>("debian-tmp") and create a directory structure just like that of the debian
> bcwhite>system and place your files in there.  One call to "dpkg" will then create
> bcwhite>a package for you from that directory structure.
> "one call to dpkg" ?
> i am sorry , but i don't understand what u mean
> prob the answer to my q is RTFM so plz flame me about it :-)

I think it's pretty obvious if you read the "debian/rules" file.  Here
is an example:

  binary: build
	-rm -rf debian-tmp
	mkdir -p debian-tmp debian-tmp/DEBIAN debian-tmp/usr/doc/$(package)/Examples
	dpkg-gencontrol -is -ip >debian-tmp/DEBIAN/control
	make install PREFIX=debian-tmp/usr
	cp debian/README debian-tmp/usr/doc/$(package)/Copyright
	cat COPYING >>debian-tmp/usr/doc/$(package)/Copyright
	cp examples/* debian-tmp/usr/doc/$(package)/Examples
	find debian-tmp \( -name "#*" -o -name "*~" \) -print | xargs rm -f
	chown -R root.root debian-tmp
	chmod -R go=rX debian-tmp
	dpkg --build debian-tmp
	dpkg-name -o -s .. debian-tmp.deb

Note how it creates a directory structure and then call "dpkg --build"
to make a debian package out of that directory structure.  The call to
"dpkg-name" then gives it the proper name.
                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )
    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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