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Re: Not keeping correct time

Shaya Potter writes:
> I just noticed that my linux box dosen't seem to be keeping correct 
> time.  I tried running xntp to correct it, but it wouldn't work (does it 
> work behind firewalls?) Does anyone know of an efficient way to make my 
> linux box keep correct time?

If you don't want to go over the internet you could try adjtimex. This
package adjusts the kernel timex variable and makes your system keep the
time pretty well.

If it works well you should think about a BIOS write command (clock -w),


Michael Meskes                   |    _____ ________ __  ____
meskes@informatik.rwth-aachen.de |   / ___// ____/ // / / __ \___  __________
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meskes@debian.org                |  ___/ / __/ /__  __/\__, /  __/ /  (__  )
Use Debian Linux!                | /____/_/      /_/  /____/\___/_/  /____/

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