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How to debianize packages?

I have become more or less convinced to switch to Debian 1.1
in the next large update of my system in the next weeks.

However, until now I have not yet found an answer on how to handle
all those non-standard packages like pgplot, wip, vile and
the hundreds of other tools which are not available as debian
packages but simply as tar.gz archives. To maintain a well
organized system I would like to install them with the
Debian package installation tools and not by hand or at least
to register them when being installed as debian packages.

To focus the problem: How do I convert tar.gz archives (when 
no installation scripts are needed) into debian packages?
How do I create a debian archive from installed files ?

Any help appreciated.

Best wishes -- Volker

  Volker Ossenkopf,              E-mail: ossk@sol.astro.uni-jena.de

  Astrophysikalisches Institut und    \\///
   Universitaets-Sternwarte Jena     ( . . )     Tel.: 03641/630324

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