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Re: How do I get GATEWAY2000 PS/2 mouse to work

As Mark Edward Johnston said:
> 	- The modules.tgz file on the special kernel 1 boot disk
> 	  is corrupted. If this was fixed I could have obtained the
> 	  module I needed by extracting it from this file.

I'd like to take time to point this out. I thought that I was the only one
experiencing this problem, but Mark is the third person who has remarked
about this.

This is true of Debian-1.1.2. I haven't checked 1.1.3.

All the special-kernel boot-disks have a corrupt modules.tgz file on them.
It's a valid gzip file, but an invalid tar file. It's as if the tar file
was cut in half or something.

The way to get around this is to download the kernel-image package to
another Unix machine, use ar and gzip and tar to extract the modules you
need, then build your own modules.tar.gz file. Then copy it onto the boot
disk (it has an MS-DOS filesystem onit) as 'modules.tgz'.

This will then let you install the kernel.

Gilbert Ramirez Jr.                     gram@merece.uthscsa.edu
University of Texas                     http://merece.uthscsa.edu/gram
Health Science Center at San Antonio    University Health System

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